Not totally cleaned up because I was so excited that I wanted to take pictures straight away. And I had skittles right there!! You can see that my hand is a bit hot - it's melting the skittles. And yes, that is a hair. It was still attached to my head, I was just leaning over to take the picture. I have really long hair that I do absolutely nothing with.
I used a Revlon white (so old it has no label. I rarely use white), and Essie - Limited Addiction. So far I would have to say that Limited Addiction is the closest colour to blood that I have been able to find. If anyone has found any better blood colours I would be happy to hear your recommendations!
Oh, and how to do this look. You will use a LOT of polish doing this, just a warning. I painted my nails white, then used a straw and dipped it in the essie polish. Then I blew down the straw and it splattered them. Keep newspaper or something behind your nails because it gets everywhere. I experimented a couple of times on the newspaper just to see what the best way to do it was. And I didn't try to make every nail the same because it's impossible and looks weird if you try.